Monday, June 22, 2009

Its about how you write

As a result of a two way circuit--of brain waves and motor responses, your handwriting might be the closest determinant to mirror your personality. As graphologist (experts in handwriting analysis) would comment, there is something "behind the pen" that would radiate in the curves and slope of every single writing! As the brain directs the hand, expression of suppressed issues involving health, mentality and morality is reflected in an individual's penmanship.

PRESSURE--how dark the writing is. Higher level of success is noted for those who write with heavy pressure. They are more founded on emotional experiences from which they draw strengths from. Those who writes on average pressure are regarded to be energetic and are moderately successful in life. Those with light pressure are more superficial and try to gets rid of energy draining situations.

SIZE. Tiny letters are evident for people who are believed to have a lower level of confidence yet has the capability to demonstrate intelligence and wit in certain situations. Confident and easy going individuals usually write in big letters. Narcissistic and loud beings create huge bold strokes.

THE SLANT OF WRITING. A right slant indicates that the individual is highly capable to respond to highly emotional stress, heart rules the mind for most instances in this group of people. Mind over matter goes for those who keeps their strokes in vertical stance. Left slants writers are generally indifferent, and are mostly withdrawn!

The art of penmanship analysis might be a key to decipher the deepest , most concealed type of personality a person has. However, the nature of this detective work entails detailed understanding and mastery as graphologist would note.

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