Persistent, excruciating, thunder-like tooth pain? Think again. You would not want to drink doses of pain medications only to find out that it doesn't provide you an inch of relief.
About 2/3 of patients walking in the dentist's clinic is mistakenly diagnosed to have gingival infections, but the truth is burried deeper than the molars, the painful fact of having TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA.
Your Cranial Nerve V also known as your "trigeminal nerve" is the major pathway between the face and brain. It is a single nerve that splits into 3 major branches to give sensory innervation to one side of your face. Axons extending from the ganglion is attached to its target tooth. Therefore, any compression problems of this nerve would naturally innervate serious sensitivity or phantom tooth pain, of which the etiology might go undetected by the naked dentist's eye.
For this condition, decompression surgery of the affected nerve might be required and long-term pain management is a necessity.
So think again...The next time your tooth aches, your tooth fairy might not save you at all!